Lighting Design

Nixon in China

by John Adams

Conductor: Andreas Mitisek
Director: Peter Pawlik
Choreographer: Jenny Weston
Set Design: Wilhelm Holzbauer
Costume Design: Joerg Gaulocher
Lighting Design: Dan Weingarten

Richard Nixon (US President): Michael Chioldi
Pat Nixon (Nixon's Wife): Suzan Hanson
Mao Tse-Tung (Chairmain of CCP): John Duykers
Cho En lai (Premiere of CCP): Roberto Gomez
Henry Kissinger (US Secretary of State): Kyle Albertson
Chiang Ch'ing (Mao's Wife): Ani Maldjian
Mao's Secretary #1: Ariel Pisturino
Mao's Secretary #2: Leslie Anne Cook
Mao's Secretary #3: Peabody Southwell

Long Beach Opera
Terrace Theater, Long Beach